No Axe in MY face, thankyouverymuch!

Yesterday, I did something a little stupid.  I went for a walk.

I wound up in the mall, chomping on curly fries from Arby's (sooo good!).  And, as usual on these trips, I found myself in HMV, looking at DVDs.  I really meant to just "look", and when I saw that How I Met Your Mother, Season Four had just come out, I calmly told myself that I can wait for a few months before getting it.

Then in came a man I shall refer to as "B.".  B. is one of those people who is quiet, nice, and far too clingy.  I know him because an old friend of mine introduced us while waiting for the bus.  That's it.  And, because of that introduction, everytime I see B., he talks to me.  Asks me how I am.  And tries to hang out with me.

Basically, the guy is looking for friends.  And I do feel bad for the guy.  But, I don't really like him... and I'm not responsible for everyone else in the world.  So, I'm polite, but when he tries to arrange chances to "hang out" or whatever, I make up a lie, and leave.  Because, let's be honest... psycho killer stories usually start with the poor victim taking pity on an unfortunate, shy person with eyes that never blink.

I don't want an axe in my face, thank you very much.

So, he starts talking to me.  "what are you up to?  What sort of plans do you have?" and so on, and so forth.  I know if I say "well, I'm just bored and walking around" I'll have a new hanger-on for the next three hours until I can work up a clever way to shake him off.  Instead, I grab the DVD and say "oh, here it is!  I've been looking for this.  Gonna buy it and watch it at a friend's house!"

Before he can try to invite himself over, I dash to the teller, buy the DVD, and hi-tail it out of there.  I console myself with the fact that I was going to buy the DVD eventually, so it's not really an awful purchase.

Unfortunately, I got home at around 5:30, and then realized just how addictive that TV show is.  There were some 22 episodes... twenty minutes each.  And I did something I've never done before, and will never do again.

I watched all of them.  Some seven, eight hours of a TV show.  I finally saw what happens with the goat, one of the most sappy romantic scenes ever, and the coolness that is SVEN.  Afterwards, I was tired.  Beaten.  And I felt dirty.  Soiled, somehow.

On the plus side, my face is still axe-free. 

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