Kids These Days...

So, I was at Wal-Mart the other day, to pick up some garbage bags.  I'm in the kitchen section, when a girl in her early twenties, perhaps even younger, politely addresses a grey-haired wal-mart employee.

With smiling eyes, she asks "Excuse me, can you tell me where the towels are?"

The employee helps, pointing the direction.  And the woman thanks her, smiling, mentioning off-hand that she's just moved into a new apartment, and that there are so many things you forget to pack when you move out of your parents' place.  They laugh, and the woman (who just oozed niceness) leaves.

At which point the employee, with grey curls and granny glasses, mutters under her breath.  "Fucking kids."

Yeah, kids these days.  All.... polite, nice, and thankful.  Happy and considerate.

What nerve.

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