This blog post was based off a true story...

So, I started counting the dimes and nickles in my change dish.  I have something like twenty two bucks in nickles and dimes.  I think this is awesome, and I told Kittens today that when she comes to Victoria, I'm going to pay our cabby in dimes.

"here, sir.  Here's your cash.  And, here's your tip.  It's in a baggy - no charge."

Kittens basically told me that if I do that, she'll be sleeping on the couch.  Or getting back on the plane. 

I think it'd just be fun.  Especially if I counted out the nickles and dimes, one by one.  And perhaps lost count halfway through.

"Thirteen fifty... thirteen sixty - hey, when did I cut my hand?  Oh, shit.  Where were we?  Damn.  Um.... ten.... twenty.... thirty..."

Or, even better, pay him while driving.  The fare starts at around 3.50, I think.  So, I hand him the cash, and every time the fare meter goes up by ten cents, drop another dime in his lap.  I mean, how can he even complain about that?  I say it's pretty considerate, on my part.

I do want to buy something using only dimes and nickles.  Way back when, I was silly, and would get embarrassed doing something like this.  Nowadays, I say, why not?

I kinda want to count my pennies, and use them to buy penny candies.  Because it's fun being just so dang literal


  1. I think you mean YOU'LL be sleeping on the couch...not me

  2. Geez. I better get a comfier couch, then.
