
So, this weekend, Kittens and I went to a petting zoo. And we saw the horses.

I'm not a fan of horses. They're just too large, and I'm pretty sure they eat people. You laugh, I'm sure. But it's not crazy. Think about it.

Horses live primarily on farms. Well, how often have you seen a homeless person or a derelict in the country? It doesn't happen, right?

Horses got to him first.

Also, I've been told that quite often, chickens or sometimes even goats will just disappear from the farm. Horse got hungry.

And the thing is, no one ever suspects the horse. "They're vegetarian, they don't eat meat!" they say, while the horse sniffs at its hay.

Yeah, they look all innocent. But I know what they're really up to. They're plotting.

Watch your back.

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