Stupid Hippies

Ah, stupid hippies.

I'm on the bus the other day, heading to my doctor's appointment.  I've been on this bus many, many times.  But this time, the route has changed - it turns off on a side road I'm not used to. 

No matter - I'm near my stop anyways, so I get off on the next stop, and backtrack.  Getting off with me is this girl that is, well, a hippy.  We're talking dirty feet, sandals that were probably old in 1996, hemp pants, and a red windbreaker caked in dirt.  Not to mention something I like to call "hippyhair". 

Before getting off (actually, as soon as the bus went off the normal route), she went up to the bus driver, grilling him about the route change.  I love the people who think they're the only ones aware of something that's obvious to everyone else. Going to a bus driver (who probably does thie route eight, nine times a day) and saying "hey, you're not following the right route" is probably a stupid idea.

But it didn't stop there.

Getting off the bus, she goes up to me and says "Excuse me.  Do you know if the 54 is still running?"

I shrug.  "I don't know.  I don't take the bus out here too often."

"Oh."  She squints into the sun.  "The bus driver said it doesn't run anymore."

"Well, he knows what he's talking about."

She then turns to the other man that got off the bus with us.  "Excuse me.... do you know if the 54 is still running?"

Gah.  Stupid people.

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