A serious post

Maybe some of you have noticed that there are a few paramedic blogs listed in my "blogs to follow" bar to the right.  And as I'm looking through paramedic blogs right now, there will probably be a few more tomorrow.

To those who don't know me, allow me to explain.

I want to be a paramedic, or something in that sort of field.  And while it's out of my hands right now (curse being a diabetic who was barred from getting a driver's licence!) it's a dream I work towards.  In a few short months, I take another step on that path when I get my EMT licence.

So, I read paramedic blogs as a way of keeping the dream alive.

Also, paramedics have a messed up sense of humour.  And I can get behind that.

Seriously, check out the blogs to the right.  They're all great, and an amazing read from the eyes of people who have seen some crazy shit.  One day, a year or so from now, I want to be making blog posts just like theirs.  So, yeah.

/hero worship.

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