Just some lyrics

I've kind of been reclusive lately.  I blame the job market - when you write a bajillion resumes, and get very few responses, it kind of sucks the life out of you. 

Luckily, I have music.  Thank God for that.  I'm still up most nights, headbanging with oversized headphones on. 

Here are some lyrics I've heard lately that I love.  Some are just how I'd want to live my life.  Some are just true.  And some are just awesome.  You guys can guess which songs I'm referring to - make a game of it.

Or not. 
You realize the sun don't go down - it's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round.
- The Flaming Lips
One foot in and one foot back. Well, it don't pay to live like that... so I cut the ties and I jumped the tracks.  
-The Avett Brothers
I'm wasting away... wasting my time wishing the world would fuck off.
-Dan Mangan
I miss yellow lines in my roads, some colour on monochrome, maybe I'll paint them myself.
-Matt and Kim
 Every path's a problem, every turn is trouble and you'll never solve them.  So why not love them?
-Hey Rosetta!
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
-The Beatles.

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